حل كتاب الانجليزي mega goal 2 ثاني ثانوي ف2 كتاب الطالب نظام المسارات حلول جميع دروس منهج انجليزي الطالب الفصل الثاني مسارات الطبعة الجديدة 1446 على موقع واجباتي عرض مباشر بدون تحميل بصيغة pdf
Unit 1 There’s No Place Like Home
Unit 2 The Sporting Life
With a partner, create three more questions and answers to add to the quiz. Ask your class-mates the questions and analyze their responses. How green is your class
?Unit 3 The Sporting Life
Answer the questions with complete sentences. Then discuss your answers.
Remember/think about what you see, hear, feel, and smell in various rooms of the house.
Would you want to live in a house with a glass floor? Why? Why not?
Check your answers with a partner. If you do not understand the meaning of a word, look it up in a dictionary .Are the back and front of the house similar? How do you know?
What do you think of the jobs described in the reading? Do you find any of them interesting? Why? Why not?
Think about the list of unusual jobs in the chart. Have you ever heard of them
?Look at the photos. Where do you think these houses are? What are they made of?